Exercise Protein – Is it Good For Athletes?
Exercise Protein can improve your performance and recovery after workouts. It increases myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis, reconditions your muscles, and increases amino acid availability during early post-exercise recovery. In addition, it helps to increase your performance during competition. However, exercise protein is not recommended for everyone.
Exercise protein increases myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis
Recent research suggests that exercise protein increases myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle. This increase occurs after a single bout of exercise and after a 24-week intervention. Such changes may benefit athletes in high-intensity sports, such as sprinting, long jump, and javelin. Moreover, it may enhance their overall performance by facilitating a power-generating adaptation.
In one study, Oikawa and colleagues reported that lactalbumin supplementation enhanced sarcoplasmic protein synthesis. Sarcoplasmic protein is a non-myofibrillar pool of skeletal muscle protein. The researchers concluded that such alterations in protein synthesis are indicative of changes in mitochondrial biogenesis.
It improves performance during competition
Eating protein is essential for athletes, but too much protein can impair their performance. Consuming the right amount of protein prior to a competition can make a big difference. A few healthy sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, peanut butter, nuts, and legumes. Athletes should also drink plenty of water. Even two percent of dehydration can affect performance.
The exact mechanisms by which exercise protein can enhance performance during competition are not yet clear. However, a study conducted by Arciero et al. found that protein intake during endurance exercise delayed the onset of central fatigue, decreased the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, and improved bioenergetic pathways.
It improves muscle reconditioning
Increasing the amount of dietary protein consumed after exercise increases muscle protein synthesis, inhibits muscle protein breakdown, and promotes net muscle protein accretion. This helps facilitate a stronger adaptive response in skeletal muscle, resulting in improved muscle reconditioning. The most effective protein for post-exercise protein synthesis is whey protein, which is easily digested and contains a specific amino acid profile.
A common problem associated with low energy availability is an imbalance in energy intake versus energy expenditure. This imbalance can have negative impacts on reproductive, skeletal, immune, and other vital functions. It can also impair training performance. To improve muscle reconditioning, athletes must have adequate energy intake and a high-quality diet. Proper protein intake promotes muscle repair and reconditioning, and optimal protein intake helps athletes achieve the most from their training sessions.
It improves amino acid availability during early post-exercise recovery
Studies have found that taking exercise protein boosts amino acid availability during early post-executive recovery. The amino acids are responsible for protecting your muscles from damage. The body uses protein for nearly every biological process, and the majority of it is stored in muscle tissue. Without sufficient protein in the body, muscle protein synthesis will suffer. This could lead to your body relying on your own muscle for recovery.
단백질 보충제
Protein is necessary for muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise. Supplementing with protein increases skeletal muscle protein synthesis for 24 hours. However, the synergy between exercise and protein ingestion is greatest during the first few hours after resistance exercise and declines over time. Thus, the earlier you consume exercise protein, the better.
It reduces body fat
The consumption of exercise protein has been found to reduce body fat and is effective in decreasing body fat. This research is based on several studies including those of Antonio J, Candow DG, Forbes SC, Ormsbee MJ, Roberts J, and Saracino PG. However, the effects of protein on body composition were not significant.
There are a number of potential confounding factors that can impact the study’s results. First, the type of protein consumed may influence the results. The study’s authors note that the study included mostly white women and was conducted in one primary location. Furthermore, the researchers did not differentiate between organ and muscle mass, so the participants in the low-protein group may have had lower levels of lean body mass.